joi, 18 noiembrie 2010

Ia cunoaste`ma .

1. Yourself ? Cea mai tare persoana din lume .

2. Your bestfriends ? Like me .

3. Your hair ? Perfect .

4. Your mother ? Naiz .

5. Your father ? Annoying .

6. Your favorite item ? Aleex . >:)

7. Your dream last night ? Perv .

8. Your favorite drink ? Pepsi Twist .

9. Your dream car ? BMW  .

10. The room you`re in ? Dormitor .

11. Your ex ? Naiz , cute . . . ca altfel n`are ce cauta langa mine .

12. Your fear ? Paianjeni .

13. What you want to be in 10 years ? Solista unei trupe rock .

14. Who you hung out with last night ? Friends .

15. What you`re not ? Pitipoanca , stupida , calma si ipocrita .Lista poate continua .

16. Muffins ? Le ador .

18. Time ? 09 : 05

19. The last thing you did ? " Stefane , unde naiba esti ?  Intra pe mess ! " . Hahaha , nu citi asta .

20. What are you wearing ? Cu pantaloni gri si tricou albastru .

21. Your favorite weather ? Stormy.

22. Your favorite book ?  Morti pana la apus .

23. The last thing you ate ? Salata ?

24. Your life ? Fucking .

25. Your mood ? Happy .

26. Your body ? Fit .

27. What are you thinking about right now ? Music.

28. Your car ? Neah , nu inca .

29. What are you doing at the moment ? Ascult muzica .

30. Your summer ? Mirobolanta .

31. What color are your underwear ? Blue .

32. What is the weather like ? Cloudy .

33. When is the last time you laughed ? Acum 3 minute .

34. What is on your tv ? Hmm . .  nu stiu .

Mi-am lasat vechiul blog , btw .

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